Equine Dental Radiology Best Practices

Equine Dental Radiology Best Practices with Dr. Jon Gieche DVM FAVD EQ dipl. AVDC EQ     CE Credits: 2

Recorded webinar

This webinar is specifically designed for Equine veterinarians and their technicians. We encourage both to attend as acquisition of quality Equine dental radiographs is a team effort between the veterinarian and their assistants. Course material will cover both intra oral and extra oral dental radiographic principles, techniques, and anatomy. It is designed to be extremely practical and visual in nature and questions will be encouraged.

Registration to the CE course includes 3 months access.

Instructor: Jon M. Gieche, D.V.M., FAVD EQ, Diplomate AVDC EQ
Dr. Gieche owns Kettle Moraine Equine Hospital and Regional Equine Dental Center in Wisconsin. He frequently instructs veterinarians and veterinary students via lectures and hands-on wet labs throughout the United States and abroad.